I think there is continued litigation involving some tailings disasters https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vale_S.A.#Disasters_and_incidents which to be honest, I have not followed too closely even though I think I have owned the stock for 2 decades and just reinvest the dividends... If I am not mistaken, some of the court cases have been in foreign jurisdictions b/c BHP etc are involved or it was a JV...

Anyway, I included this piece in my Emerging Market Links + The Week Ahead (April 29, 2024) for today: https://emergingmarketskeptic.substack.com/p/emerging-markets-week-april-29-2024

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Interesting analysis. I assume this is a short term investment? You are not planning on holding Vale for a decade?

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It depends on how the thesis plays out. But often you don’t hold commodity stocks for a decade. My time horizon for these stocks is ideally 18-24 months. Sometimes longer, if the stock outperforms my original thesis.

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The risk not mentioned in this piece is (I think) continued litigation involving some tailings disasters https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vale_S.A.#Disasters_and_incidents which to be honest, I have not followed too closely even though I think I have owned the stock for 2 decades and just reinvest the dividends... If I am not mistaken, some of the court cases have been in foreign jurisdictions... Anyway, I included this piece in my Emerging Market Links + The Week Ahead (April 29, 2024) for today: https://emergingmarketskeptic.substack.com/p/emerging-markets-week-april-29-2024

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Correct. There are some issues and lawsuits. But to be honest we know about them for years already and it’s priced into the stock. This is a risk of all mining companies and Vale is no exception.

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Apr 22·edited Apr 22Liked by Modern Investing

So Vale is also a copper play via VBM?

Does Vale earn it's money in BRL or in USD?

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They earn mostly in USD, while expenses are in BRL. By this logic, they are profiting from the BRL weakness. But when I overlay the chart of the BRL and Vale, they have a quite good correlation. Possible the weakness in Vale comes from sentiment.

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Apr 25Liked by Modern Investing

Thank you. A great summary. Cheers john

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Thanks 🙏

Cheers 🍻

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